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Xbox Evolution Interviews Interview with: RUNTIME Date: 2002 The Interview
I was born in Gibraltar (a small british colony
at the souther tip of Spain); its only about two and half square miles
so I got fed up of it very quickly; seeing an opportunity to move
out I got a degree in England and now live a little north of London. Wraggster: 2) What qualifications do you have? RUNTIME:
I have a 9 GCSE's, 3 A-Levels and a BSc (Hons) degree in Computer
Science. I found GCSEs a real doddle, but completely messed up my
A-Levels; serves me right for letting my parents talk me into taking
the three sciences; I should have taken Computers, Physics and English.
The university degree was fun, I and throughly recommend it - I didn't
learn much about computers, but I did learn a great deal of discipline
in starting long projects and sticking with them to completion; something
I found very hard to do when I was younger. Wraggster: 3) What made you get into computers? RUNTIME My parents.
I was about eight when my parents bought me my first computer, it
was a BBC Micro with 32K memory. The first day I got my computer I
remember my dad walking me through an example program from the manual...
it didn't do much, it drew a flashing triangle on the screen. But
this was back at a time when authors of manuals weren't afraid to
dip into 6502 assembler by chapter 3 so it wasn't long before I was
learning the ins and outs of the Beeb. I remember all my friends had Spectrums, Amstrads and later Commodore
64's - they had all these cool games, mean while I was just stuck
at home with two games to my collection, Missile Base and Rocket Raid,
had no choice but to write my own software (thanks Dad!). Wraggster: 4) What projects/coding have you done previous to your Xbox/PS2 Scene work.? RUNTIME Thats a real though
one. Lots of little utilities, compression programs, disassemblers,
disk copy programs and later demos (this was at the time of the 16-bit
Atari ST and 68000 assembler), and a WarCraft clone (the PC era, a
project for my final year at University). Wraggster:
5) What inspired you to make Your BeebEm Emulator for the PS2 and
what difficulties did you have getting it to run properly ? RUNTIME Naturally, BeebEm was
inspired by the BBC Micro's influence on me as a child. I learnt a
lot from that computer. To be honest I have very little experience
working in the Linux/GNU environment, I struggled for two weeks before
I could confidentally compile code, but if you asked me now I still
could explain how to configure makefile. I guess I've spent too much
time in the Windows world, I'm too used to having a nice IDE (Integrated
Development Environment) which installs itself with all the right
settings, you just have to write code and click build. Wraggster 6) Will you be updating BeebEm in the Future ? RUNTIME Yes. Ironically, I added memory card support and had a little memory manager icon designed for me which I added to the code; but my build process was so chaotic that I never got around to releasing it. I guess I owe it to the beeb to see this one through! Wraggster 7) Do you have any More projects in mind for the PS2 ? RUNTIME Its unlikely - once
I got a taste of XBOX development, which is so similar to developing
on a Windows platform its uncanny, I didn't turn back. That probably
contributed to my switching attentions from BeebEm PS2 to the XBOX
Media Player. Wraggster
8) Whats the good and bad points about developing for the PS2? RUNTIME PS2 homebrew is completely
free, no strings attached. Your applications can be burnt and run
from CDR so its quite inexpensive. Also Napalm supplied developers
with a great tool to transport and execute your code on the PS2 remotely,
that helped a *lot*. Wraggster
9) In your opinion whats possible on the PS2 in terms of Emulators,
Media Players etc? RUNTIME Its all possible but you need to be very creative and know the hardware almost inside out. Unfortunately, because it isn't the easiest console to write for projects require that much more thought. And because the build environment back then was in its infancy, I found it hard to be productive. Wraggster 10) What got you interested in development for the Xbox? RUNTIME The platform. Lets
face it, you and I know its a PC. Its runs X86 code, there is such
a huge wealth of knowledge about the architecture that it was a sure
thing for me, especially having spent the last 5 years writing Wintel
code. Wraggster: 11) What inspired you to make a Multi-Codec and infact excellent Media Player for the Xbox and what difficulties did you have getting it to run properly ? RUNTIME For a long time now
I've been annoyed that the VCR has been king; I guess I was impatient
that technology hadn't advanced quickly enough to bring digital media
into our living rooms. I mean you had TiVo and the other PVRs, but
they were very inflexible, designed more with Holywood in mind than
with consumers. So this was my big chance. I had a box in my living
room which I could compile code for in the comfort of a familiar Microsoft
Visual Studio environment. Wraggster:
12) Do you have any projects, that you would like to start for the
Xbox? RUNTIME If I can ever find the time I would love to write an RDP or a VNC client so that you can access your desktop PC remotely over the LAN or WLAN. Porting BeebEm to the XBOX is on the cards. Wraggster: 13) What would you like to see ported to the Box and what is realistically the limit to what can be done? RUNTIME Short of expanding
the hardware, you can pretty much do anything a similarly specified
PC can do. It would be nice to see an AtariST emulator for added nostalgia. Wraggster: 14) When will we see a fully legal emulator/ application for the Xbox? RUNTIME In a sense I suppose
we already have if you count the Linux effort, but if you're thinking
of purpose built native XBOX code then I think its going to be a while.
It could take anything from 6 months to 18 months; the development
of OpenXdk is key to this happening. Fortunately, there are a lot
of clever developers around! Wraggster:
15) What in your opinion are the differences between the Xbox and
PS2 in terms of how far they can be pushed, ease of programming for
etc? RUNTIME Well with a 733MHz
processor the XBOX has a lot of brute CPU power, its easy to write
emulators and CPU intensive applications lends themselves well to
this. But in terms of reach mass appeal the PS2 will guarantee you
your largest audience.
007Cheater Regex Gonzo Spoutnickteam Brian Peek Chris White SS_teven Turrican2K Dan Potter Tubooboo Sam Steele David Walliman Darren Finck Atani Ajay Homer Arnon Cardoso Brian Peek Heliophobe Aaron `o Neal AndrewK Bob (ganksoft) BurnerO Lord Cheese CrtO Forgotten Gonzo Lienus James Surine Pascal(spoutnick) Regex Snoozy SuperFro Xport Lantus RUNTIME |