Wraggster: Can
you tell us where were you born, where you live, your family details,etc.?
Linuzappz: I'm
from Argentina and i still live there :), about the rest i keep it
for myself.
Wraggster: What
qualifications do you have?
Linuzappz: I
know C/C++/Assembler, a bit of java/delphi, and i code in linux/win32.
Wraggster: What
made you get into computers?
Linuzappz: When
i was 6 (i'm 19 now) my parents bought a computer, but just at the
of 16 i started coding (i bought a linux dist. :).
Wraggster: What
projects/coding have you done previous to your PCSX Emulator.?
Linuzappz: The
first project i helped coding was SOPE, i wasn't good at that time
but it helped me understand emus, after that i contributed in the
FPSE for Linux, for the versions befoe the 0.9 one. Also i coded a
gpu plugin, gpuDx7, but it wasn't good ;).
Wraggster: What
made you choose to do an emulator for the Playstation?
Linuzappz: The
psx is a great console, it has great games and also the games come
in cds, this is very convenient for us ;).
Wraggster: How
did you start and what programs did you use to start coding PCSX?
Linuzappz: I
didn't started pcsx, NoComp and Shadow did that, i started helping
sometime after the first release, when NoComp left. And curretly we
use for win32 Visual C++ 6.0 and for linux gcc/pgcc and midnight commonder
editor) in my case.
Wraggster: Can
you give us a status update on your emulator?
Linuzappz: Sure
:), the most improvement from the 1.3 version is speed, and also more
accurate vsync timing, this means that now vsyncs are half slower
than before, but as the emu is now 30-40% faster than before the games
run much better (smooth) with the same fps than before (in general),
also some more games are working now: PE2, Legend of Mana, and some
more. But we still need some more time to test the changes we've made
before the release.
Wraggster: How
hard was it getting your PCSX emulator to work and how can you improve
Linuzappz: Well,
NoComp/Shadow made a very good job with the first pcsx release, after
that we continued researching, fixing and improving it up to these
days ;). It's sometimes quite hard and frustrating but since this
is a thing we do in our spare time we just keep trying :).
Wraggster: Do
you have any new projects in the pipeline?
Linuzappz: The
other project Shadow and me (also GoldFinger) are coding is pcsx2
(pcsx2.ngemu.com), that's the first ps2 emu :). I also have several
psx/psx2 plugins, mainly for linux.
Wraggster: Whats
your opinion of the Xbox and PS2 Emulation Scenes and which wouldbe
the most promising for you?
Linuzappz: I
haven't heard of anyone trying to code a Xbox emu, but there are already
a few ps2 emus in the work :).
A big thanks to Linuzappz for a great Interview. :)