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| ConsoleVision Interviews Interview with: James Surine Date: 2001 The Interview Wraggster: Can you tell us where you live and where do you come from,and whereyou went to school,college etc? James Surine: I recent moved from San Francisco CA to St. Paul MN (my home town) with my family. Had enough of the high rents and home prices in SF. With the recent dot com bust I think I made the right decision. Wraggster:
What made you get into computers and what qualifications
do you have? Wraggster:
What made you get into the Dreamcast Homebrew scene? Wraggster:
What projects are you working on at the moment? Wraggster:
Do you see an update to your great project? Wraggster:
What emulators would you like to either try or see
comeout on the Wraggster:With
Bleemcast being released and the great success at
getting a Wraggster: what is your favourite game for your emulator? James Surine:I
guess Xevious, because I own the actual machine.
It ran a little too Wraggster:How
do you see the future as regards to which system
will be the Wraggster:
Mame is one of the biggest emulators out there with
support for Wraggster:
With two of you coding emus for mame at the same
time does it Wraggster:What
is your opinion of the dreamcast emu/dev scene and
the many James Surine:Well
there seems to be quite a bit of grief in the DC
emu/dev scene
| 007Cheater Regex Gonzo Spoutnickteam Brian Peek Chris White SS_teven Turrican2K Dan Potter Tubooboo Sam Steele David Walliman Darren Finck Atani Ajay Homer Arnon Cardoso Brian Peek Heliophobe Aaron `o Neal AndrewK Bob (ganksoft) BurnerO Lord Cheese CrtO Forgotten Gonzo Lienus James Surine Pascal(spoutnick) Regex Snoozy SuperFro Xport Lantus RUNTIME |