ConsoleVision Interviews
Interview with: CrtO
Date: 2001
The Interview
was you born,live and family details
I was born, raised, and still live
in MA, USA. As for
family details, I've got 2 brothers
(one twin, and one
~8 years older). Finishing my senior
year of high
school at the moment. Jobless and
lazier than you can
imagine :P.
qualifications do you have?
:P. Self taught everything. Only real
training I've had is an A+ certification
course that
I'm currently taking to fill space
in my class
What made you get into computers?
remember way back when, I used to
really like
playing games the old PC we had (one
of those ones
with 640kb RAM 16 colors etc). Then
we got a new one,
a 486, 8mb of RAM, etc, and this was
when I first
started getting into the technical
aspects of it. Got
Doom and was really interested in
how it worked, then
I started my first coding (with QBasic).
projects/coding have you done previous
to any
Dreamcast programming?
I coded a gfx and sound library for
Nintendo64 (the
gfx part I ported over to DC, more
info on that
later). I did a lot of small, basic
programs for PC
(DOS using DJGPP and Allegro), such
as a little
wrestling game for my brother, uh...
some little
shooters... a platform adventure game
engine that i
never finished... and a lot (a LOT)
of unfinished
stuff... an NES emu and an N64 debugger
in there...
lots of stuff :P.
What made you choose to do a Dreamcast
port of the
game Doom?
was the first computer game I ever
bought and
played (well, Doom 2). It's also one
of my favorites
(I don't think I've bought or played
a new computer
game since I got it). I remember about
a year after
source code was released, I started
on an ill-fated
port to the N64 (never got my custom
ROM file system
working so nothing ever happened with
it...). I used
to follow the N64 and PSX dev scenes
quite avidly, so
I was especially intrigued when I
saw the first
homebrew DC software/hardware get
released (that DDH
stuff). Later on (much later on I
guess), compilers
and lowlevel hardware specs were released,
libdream etc came about. I was very
intrigued and
started a basic port of Doom on my
own, not knowing
that tom61 was also working on one
(and having found
the original Doomdev site about a
month after I
started on my port). We talked, he
saw that my code
was further along than his, and agreed
to transfer the
site/project over to me. From then
on was history :P.
For months the project dragged on,
then DCGrendel
offered a bit of help. Very quickly
he ported it over
to KOS, and within 24 hours got it
up and running. He
moved it to his custom window system
based on JAM,
which became the prerelease version.
He's since ported
it back to regular KOS, and uh...
well... the second
version hasn't come out yet, from
what I know.
How did you start and what programs
did you use to
start coding?
you mean DC dev) I started by following
guide on Jules DC Dev site to setup
Cygwin (downloaded
the whole thing on my 56k :P ) and
the compilers
(using the SH4/ARM tools precompiled
package) (and
with a lot of help from Akira, who
some people may
remember from months past). Then I
looked through the
libdream examples to get a good grasp
on how it
worked, and hacked away to code my
own example
programs. It was all quite simple.
Tell us about your Demo Group called
Katharsys and
if you have any news for us?
Uh... not much to say at the moment...
things have
really slowed down on that front...
although... I know
for a fact that Turrican2k is working
on a lot of
stuff, he's always researching things
and asking
questions in #dcdev so he's gotta
be up to something
:P ... If I ever get the time (I'm
back in classes
now), I'll look into finishing my
wave pool demo so it
runs nice and fast and TA-accelerated..
information on your Bomberman clone
and a
status update on it?
The Bomberman clone. We've been working
a little more
on it recently. It's still far from
release, although
I did see some screenshots of it and
it looked nice.
Right now I'm porting the small code
base we have to
use libdream, so I can continue to
add features to the
game. The only part of the game that
is dependent on a
development library (libdream/kos)
is the video
display and the input, so it's relatively
easy for me
to add features without breaking compatibility
Turrican2k's original code. No idea
when it'll be done
what programs have helped you on the
dreamcast and
how significant is a hardware opengl
driver and to wha tprograms emus would
be made accessible,also you were the
first person to get a software opengl
working on
the dreamcast,do
you have any plans to update your
work in that field too?
that have helped me on the DC... uh...
think the GhettoPlay example was a
help (for having
simple controller code that worked
well)... the
libdream examples were good for showing
how to draw to
screen etc. ... A hardware OpenGL
driver on the DC
would be like a present from the gods
if it had all
features and was up to spec :P. It
would make good 3d
programming easy, and very nice looking
programs could
be made with minimal effort. As for
updating in the
field of a software driver, I've not
found myself very
interested in it anymore, but I may
move the old site
I had for it into my Wraggster
space, along with
some new demo programs.
Are you working on any projects at
the moment?
I'm working on a few. The only one
I'll talk about at
the moment is the graphics library
I mentioned
earlier. It's quite nice. I've tested
it and it works
well. Feature-wise it's comparable
to the graphics
stuff provided by Allegro (most of
it works the same
way). Should be released by the time
this interview is
posted. The other projects I'm working
on include
random test/theory programs (like
the wave demo),
Bomberman, and an untitled project
which I don't dare
to announce but if I ever get back
around to working
on it, it will own :P
Whats your opinion of the new super
consoles like
X-box,Gamecube,Game Boy Advance and
the Playstation 2?
Hmm... gotta love GBA (Mario Advance
1+2, Mario Kart,
Doom, Sonic, and it's not even been
out for a year)...
Gamecube is excellent (I'm gonna get
one just for Wave
Race), and much more powerful than
most system-biased
freaks would lead you to believe (real-world
specs 0wn
theoretical specs any day). Playstation
2... I've
stayed away from that for a while,
but I may pick one
up if the price drops (Linux kit for
development +
Parappa The Rapper 2 0wnz me :P).
That leaves X-Box...
this one is my least favorite out
of the bunch, by
far. That's all I'll say.
Which console looks the best for devving
on and
also what are the limitations as to
what can be
emulated/ported over to the dreamcast
At the moment, I feel Dreamcast is
still the best
(read 'easiest') for dev'ing on, although
I can see
Gameboy Advance coming up soon, especially
as it's
quite simple to code for. As for limitations
for what
can be emulated on Dreamcast, if the
original system
has more RAM than the DC, forget about
it. If it's a
cartridge based system, and all the
ROMS needed at one
time are larger in size than the DC's
RAM minus the
size of the DC binary, forget about
it. If the
emulated system's CPU is faster than
the DC's, forget
about it. As for porting, anything
written in C with
little or no assembly code (regardless
of what
processor it's written for), and that
uses few
resources (uses 8-12mb of RAM, only
needs a low end
Pentium, etc), should be fine (Doom,
Descent, etc).
What are your favourite games for
every system you
have owned?
Fairchild F something or another...
had these banana
yellow carts and these big joysticks...
some hockey
game is the only one i remember so
must have been
favorite :P...
Atari 2600/VCS... there was some Fishing
Derby game I
liked... and Pitfall... beyond that
I dont remember
too many (was young :P)
Sega Master System... only had 2 cart
games (Enduro
Racer + some hockey game), one card
game (Transbot I
think), and the builtin... I like
Rampage the best
though (played it a lot when I borrowed
NES... hands down my favorites are
SMB3 and Yoshi... I
still play Yoshi on my oldschool front
loading NES to
this day... although I play it with
NesterDC now...
but that's another story :P
Sega Genesis... favorite was Sonic
32x... favorite is Doom (but would
be Knuckles Chaotix
if I could ever get a copy of it for
PSX... favorites are Parappa the Rapper
and Umjammer
N64... favorites are Super Mario 64
and Star Fox 64
DC... favorites include Sonic Adventure,
Soul Calibur,
and Unreal Tournament... dont have
too many games to
pick from...
thoughts on the Dreamcast
Emulation/Development Scene and also
on the damaging
trend where peoples work like your
selfs becomes the
target of wannabee hackers and how
can it be improved?
like the scene for the most part.
Some people are
very friendly (Cyrus64 from Boob,
the whole crew at
Wraggster/DCVision, and most of
the old group from
DCEmu). Some are also very helpful
(if anyone has
talked to Sayten, he's a library of
useful information
at the disposal of the few who frequent
#dcdev; then
there are all the people who've helped
me test betas
before etc). As for the hackers...
those were a
pathetic bunch of incidents... back
in the day with
Killakow (we are on good terms now,
no probs with him
or what happened)... recently with
etc... it's a pathetic trend that
I hope doesn't
continue. It's a shame people gave
up on good
projects, but it's a shame the attacks
happen in the
first place. An even more disturbing
trend is
prejudice and racism, but I don't
even want to get
into that.
Thank you for your time it has been
a honour for the scene. wraggster
OLD Interviews
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Xbox Evolution