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| Boob! Interviews Interview with: Dan Potter Homepage: Date: 2001 The Interview Wraggster: Can you tell
us where were you born, where you live, your family details,
etc.? I have lived in Austin, TX since 1996, where I've been going to college. I recently lived in Tucson, AZ for 9 months and will move back there once I finish my degree. Can't beat the scenery, hiking/biking, amazingly dark sky for astronomy geeks, etc... just a great place. I guess Jessica (the girlfriend) moving back there helps to make that decision as well =)
Hmm... where do I start? (I did warn you about that head inflation thing ^_^;). When I was 4 years old, my father brought home a Speak and Spell from TI (where he was working at the time). Employee store, good discounts, etc. I think from that moment on it was too late for me to get interested in anything else for quite a while =). I got a TI-99/4A home computer when was 5 or so, and it grew from the simple console with Basic and Logo to a home computer workstation (lol). Basic console had extra RAM and a speech synth hacked into it, new cooler power supply, expansion box with a persistent RAM disk, two floppy drives, all those goodies! =D On that thing I learned 9900 assembly, and we bought a PC not too long after that. I guess it went from there: I spent most of my waking hours at school or on the computer. I wrote a tracker called "Farandole Composer" which some of you may remember with curses =). I participated somewhat as a side in the PC demo scene of the time, but we never really made much in the way of demos, and did a lot of talking. =\ Ah well, I got a few friends from that time. I had a BBS called Programmer's Oasis (it was 214-328-6142, if anyone remembers better by that =). I participated in a competition programming team in high school. It was a geeky high school (Science/Engineering Magnet) so we were like the football stars of the school. That was pretty damned cool, for a change =). I left there after two years to go to the Texas Academy of Math and Science, in Denton, where they shut you in a dorm with 399 other smart (and mischeivious) people for two years... man was that a riot! =) I got my high school diploma and two years of college there and moved to Austin, to finish a CS degree at UT. I'm still trying, but I've almost got it =). I'll stop there before I bore everyone, but suffice to say I've been sitting in front of a keyboard for a large part of my life since 5, and I'm 23 now. I've got a strong interest (probably thanks to school) in understanding computational science and how things _should_ work rather than just getting them working, but just kicking back and coding is quite enjoyable as well =)
Also of trivia value is that KallistiOS/DC was not the first incarnation of KOS. Most people probably don't know this =). KOS was originally a project for the PC. I had a book called "Advanced 386 Programming" (I think that was it) that introduced me to protected mode, multitasking, etc. I had to sit down and write one =). I did all of that from that book and manuals I found on the net, so it proves you don't need a bunch of official devkit materials nor a degree to do this sort of thing. Just a keen interest and a lot of determination.
I got on the mailing list and started being more active with it, and a few weeks later I couldn't stand the suspense any longer: me and Jordan ordered the parts and built two cables, and I bought a SCSI CD-R to burn DC CDs with (since the one at work didn't do the job). Tursi and I worked on what was to become libdream for a little while, and eventually that did morph into libdream. I later got to discussing the idea with Jordan of writing a real embedded OS for the DC, and that was when KOS/DC was born. It shares the name and some of the concepts of the original KOS/i386 but none of the code. Things just kind of went from there.
- TI Basic, then
I didn't know that it would eventually be looked upon as one of the most significant pieces of hobbyist software, when I started (or rather, when we started =). I guess it started the same way as any free software / open source project: there was a need to be filled, I wanted it filled, and I worked towards doing so. I guess the DC is complex enough that once there was a base and someone was working hard on it, no one else wanted to take the effort. The exceptions I know of are great work too, but they seem not to have caught on very much. I guess to me it became "truly significant" when I realized that people high up inside Sega were looking at it for more than a glance. =) Not for usage in anything official, just that they had added it to their map. Everyone on the dcdev list is probably familiar with this story though.
For KOS itself, I am basically hoping that it will grow to fill every need for hobbyists that was filled by Katana for official developers. This sounds a bit presumptuous, but I feel like we're already there to a large degree. I can't name any names, but a developer at Sega told me once that my tools were easier to use than theirs for some things! With the addition of KGL, an unencumbered MP3 player (working on it =), and the re-integration of things like lwIP and OS mode, it could go just about anywhere. I guess we'll just see what happens.
On the hardware OpenGL driver, be careful on terminology here. I'll be quick to point out (and so would SGI's lawyers! =) that what we have isn't an OpenGL implementation, but an OpenGL-like library. This is an important distinction, because I want to make GL programmers feel at home (and have something easier than raw TA for myself!). But it's not really OpenGL. I think the GL driver, though, is VERY significant. I didn't realize until I started using it myself just how convienent it is. With a few more mapping modes (e.g., ortho) and some glu functions, it could easily cut development time for DC things in half or more. I've definitely become a believer of GL at this point =) What could be made with it? Your imagination's the limit!(tm) Once lwIP gets re-integrated (and I've potentially got some SMB code coming from someone else) you could spend an afternoon writing an MP3 jukebox with fantastic visualizations. Games, demos, and even emulators. Who knows. The same things are possible that were before, they are just much easier. On emulators, I don't really know. I guess it's up to the emulator authors to be ingenious enough to use the 3D at all. This is not a simple problem since most earlier systems assume very low level control over the output (like SNES's HDMA).
Beyond that, I'm always interested to see demos and games. Delicious was a very cool surprise that I've shown all my friends to say "here, this sort of thing is why I've been slaving over this box!" =)
X-Box: Microsoft owns it, they're gonna do it wrong. I've seen some things on this machine that look VERY cool, like Jet Set Radio Future, and Dead or Alive 3. I've heard that the Microsoft titles are really looking up too, but the ones I saw at E3 were pretty disappointing. Guess time will tell. One thing I will say, it's HUGE. Way too big. For that reason alone it will probably fail in Japan. Game cube: Looks nifty, well put together, solid company behind it as usual. This will be a "safe" console to get for some fun games. The Star Wars game looked outstanding (again, at E3) but most of the others were not so super looking. Again, I guess time will tell. Integration with the GBA will definitely help the 'cube. GBA: High on the cool factor, and it's great to have a real console to play a lot of old games being ported up. I'm guessing this thing hasn't even remotely been fully tapped for potential, and it's already got some amazing 3D-looking titles (like that tunnel game, can't remember the name now!), a DivX player (slow, but it's there), etc. PS2: This is a really great machine processing power wise, but Sony has made the same mistake that they killed Sega for on the Saturn: the box has amazing processing capabilities, but it's extremely hard to code for. I don't even want to think about what they had to do to that thing to get GT3 out of it =). And I have to comment on one other aspect that always irritated me about it: whole lotta hype, normal amount of substance. Sony's PS2 marketing probably killed the DC, even though the majority of the released games for DC are far superior in game play and enjoyability to the PS2 titles out. This may change over time but I'm not keeping my hopes up.
For PS1 I've like a lot of games on it, but I'd have to say one of the "good but unknown" titles is N2O. If you haven't played it, do so. It's cheap, and it's like concentrated Crystal Method (the band) stuffed into a game =) For DC, I basically haven't disliked any of the games =). They are almost all fantastic, at least the major ones. I've had a lot of fun with Evolution (3D Nethack, I like to call it), and a lot of team play fun with Phantasy Star.
At least Sega has continued making games! Their games have almost always been trend setters and it's good to see they will continue to be. See here, Tecmo already has a Space Channel 5 clone =). Anyway, I digress...
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