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| ConsoleVision Interviews Interview with: Bob of Gamksoft Date: 2001 The Interview Wraggster: Can you tell us where you live and where do you comefrom, and where you went to school, college etc? Bob: Currently live in Schenectady, NY. Come from Albany, NY. Went to school... college was the Art Institutes International: Art Institute of Pittsburgh, obtaining a degree in Computer Animation and Multimedia Development. Other education includes Albany School of Visual Arts, Albany Institute of History and Art. Wraggster:
Can you tell us what made you get into computers and what Wraggster:
What made you get into the Dreamcast Homebrew scene? Wraggster:
What projects are you working on at the moment? Wraggster:
Do you see an update to your great neopoccett or dreampac projects? Wraggster:
What emulators would you like to either try or see come out on the Wraggster:
With Bleemcast being released and the great success at getting a Wraggster:
How do you see the future as regards to which system will be the Wraggster:
Would you like to see a Game Boy Advance emulator on the Dreamcast Wraggster:
What are your favorite games of all time and why? Wraggster:
Thanks for the interview and your time :)
| 007Cheater Regex Gonzo Spoutnickteam Brian Peek Chris White SS_teven Turrican2K Dan Potter Tubooboo Sam Steele David Walliman Darren Finck Atani Ajay Homer Arnon Cardoso Brian Peek Heliophobe Aaron `o Neal AndrewK Bob (ganksoft) BurnerO Lord Cheese CrtO Forgotten Gonzo Lienus James Surine Pascal(spoutnick) Regex Snoozy SuperFro Xport Lantus RUNTIME |