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| ConsoleVision Interviews Interview with: Forgotten Date: 2001 The Interview Wraggster: Where was you born, live and family details etc?Forgotten: I am from South America, 27 years old, married and an expectant father. Wraggster:
What qualifications do you have? Wraggster:
What made you get into computers? Wraggster:
What started you into emulating the GameBoy? Wraggster:
VisualBoy is a fantastic emulator, do
you think that you have reached perfection
there? Wraggster:
How did you start and what programs did
you use to start coding? Wraggster:
In your opinion how does your emulator
(visualboy) compare with with the other
Gameboy Emus on Pc? Wraggster:
Tell us about your Visual Boy Advance
Emulator and how well it is doing so far? Wraggster:Any
information on your projects and any updates
to these planned? Wraggster:
Have you considered porting your emus
to other platforms like Linux,Dreamcast
etc? Wraggster:
Whats your opinion of the new super consoles
like X-box,Gamecube,Game Boy Advance and
the Playstation 2? Wraggster:Which
console looks the best for devving on
and in your opinion who will win the console
war and why? Wraggster:
What are your favourite games for every
system you have owned? Wraggster:
Whats your favourite Emulator and what
do you think the next big breakthrough
in the emulation scene? Wraggster:
Your thoughts on the PC Emulation/Development
Scene and how can it be improved?
| 007Cheater Regex Gonzo Spoutnickteam Brian Peek Chris White SS_teven Turrican2K Dan Potter Tubooboo Sam Steele David Walliman Darren Finck Atani Ajay Homer Arnon Cardoso Brian Peek Heliophobe Aaron `o Neal AndrewK Bob (ganksoft) BurnerO Lord Cheese CrtO Forgotten Gonzo Lienus James Surine Pascal(spoutnick) Regex Snoozy SuperFro Xport Lantus RUNTIME |