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| ConsoleVision Interviews Interview with: Andrew K Date: 2001 The Interview Wraggster: Where was you born, live and family details etc?AndrewK: I was born in Houston, TX, and lived there until I moved to Austin, TX for college. I liked Austin enough that I stuck around after graduating, so I'm still there, working as a System Administrator. My father was a computer programmer for a long while, but got tired of his job strongly resembling a giant Dilbert cartoon; he is now a high school math teacher. My brother (another videogamer, but with more time for it than me, so he actually finishes games :) ) is getting close to escaping high school. My sister is currently here in Austin attending college. Wraggster: What qualifications do you have? Wraggster: What made you get into computers? Wraggster: What projects/coding have you done? Wraggster:What made you get into Dreamcast Development? Wraggster: Was coding Burritro a good learning step onto bigger things
and how Wraggster: How did you start and what programs did you use to start
coding? * binutils/gcc That was about all there was when I started with DC... At some point
I got tired of waiting around
for SRECs to upload, so I wrote Its still pretty
similar now, except I use dcload/dc-tool,
KOS, and there are Wraggster: Tell us about your Dcload and various enhancements to projects
such Wraggster: What plans for the future do you have for DcLoad? Wraggster: What programs have helped you on the dreamcast and how significant The opengl-like
lib in KOS is cool, as it cuts
down the time/complexity to
Emulators for
older 2-d consoles will have
trouble taking advantage of
it, Wraggster: What programs/apps/emus would you most like to see come out
on the Wraggster: Whats your opinion of the new super consoles like X-box,
Gamecube, Game Boy Advance and
the Playstation 2? I'm very fond of the PS2, a whole lot of good games coming out there. I still don't think the X-box game lineup is particularly good; its better than it was, but theres really nothing there to make me want to buy the console. The Gamecube
looks like it will probably
have some good games, but the
launch in Japan was not very
impressive. The first round
of preselling in the US sold
out very fast though, and I
imagine it will do well. I don't
currently have much interest
in getting one myself. Wraggster: What are your favourite games for every system you have owned? Atari 2600 Nearly
any classic arcade game that
had a decent 2600 version Wraggster: Which console looks the best for devving on? PS2 is not the
easiest console to code for,
but its definitely possible
(and Gamecube is
currently impossible - presently
there is no way to boot anything
Xbox isn't out,
but it probably will be possible,
since I believe it uses DC is still
a very nice console for homebrew
development, since all you need
is Wraggster: Your thoughts on the Dreamcast Emulation/Development Scene
and how People actually
reading documentation / searching
for information themselves / Better documentation
for some things would be good
too, but I really wonder how Wraggster: What new platforms are you creating demos for? Wraggster: Have you figured more stuff out concerning networking DC's
? I don't currently
have much personal interest
in networking the DC beyond
Wraggster: Are you or others planning on doing a follow up to DcTonic
and some I don't believe we have any plans to make another disc like it.
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