Boob! Interviews
Interview with: Chris
Date: 2001
The Interview
Wraggster: Hello Chris!
Can you tell us about yourself, where you're from, and about
your job, school, etc?
Chris: Hi, I'm 21 years
old and from London, England. I've just completed the second
year of an AI and Computer Science degree in Birmingham. I'm
currently working for Channel 4 ( over the
summer in the Information Systems department, and I previously
worked for Cable & Wireless.
University is great, and being English, I have obviously
spent most of my degree in the pub (and some of it rolling
around in gutters). Apart from computers, my other interests
include DJing, writing music and travelling. This summer I'm
backpacking around Thailand, and I can't wait! I'm also going
to plug my record that's out:
for ordering details and mp3 clips! haha ;)
Wraggster: How long have
you been into computers and more specifically coding?
Chris: My first computer
was a ZX Spectrum, which I received for my sixth birthday.
I'd been after a computer for ages and I was thrilled to have
a computer with colour and sound - I'd only really used a
ZX81 beforehand which had neither! I programmed some simple
stuff in BASIC, but as I was only six years old the maths
behind a lot of the programming was too complex for me to
grasp at this early stage. I bought my first PC in 1992, and
coded very little for about five years. I spent these years
learning the various operating systems, running a BBS, participating
in various scene groups and trying some of the early emulators
that were appearing at the time. I picked up programming again
in 1996 after reading a C tutorial on the internet, and later
coded a very simple spectrum emulator called ARSE (Another
Ruddy Spectrum Emulator) using Marat's Z80 core. Since then,
my degree in Computer Science and AI has encouraged/forced
me to get coding again! :)
Wraggster: What made you
choose the project you have worked on so far?
Chris: I fancied giving
console programming a go and DC coding looked easy. Phoenix
is always a good starting point because it's such a simple
game to emulate. I used Darren Finck's Jabawape emulator as
a basis, because it was really well documented and the code
seemed pretty clean. Once my coders cable had arrived and
I'd setup my development environment (actually an old laptop)
I managed to get the emulator running on the DC within about
6 hours (this was DCPhoenix 0.1).
Darren actually contacted me after seeing DCPhoenix, and
provided me with an updated version of Jabawape and helped
explain a couple of areas of the code that I was unsure about.
I encouraged him to get into DC coding, and he's now programmed
his DCSI emulator which is great!
Wraggster: What problems
have you had and how did you overcome then?
Chris: I didn't have too
many problems as such, but porting the old allegro graphics
routines to the DC involved digging out some old documentation.
(Allegro is a free graphics library commonly used for programming
DOS games). I also coded a simple malloc routine which caused
me some problems, so I nicked one from Dan Potter, which of
course worked fine. (malloc allocates blocks of memory).
The most irritating part of the project was actually programming
the GUI! This turned out to be quite time consuming, with
endless DC reboots in order to tweak elements to ensure it
looked right.
I never really had time to research DC sound properly either.
It's an area which is lacking documentation, so I'd encourage
anyone who's mastered it to either produce a tutorial, or
a nice library! DCPhoenix actually uses samples, which is
a bit of a workaround...
Wraggster: With DCPhoenix
do you see any updates on this rather great emulator?
Chris: Not for the moment.
I stopped coding DCPhoenix, because it was pretty useable
and I had a load of exams at university (don't worry I passed!)
I'd prefer to concentrate on new projects myself, but it would
be good to see someone else pick up the code and make improvements.
Pop Flamer and Naughty Boy are two games which run on similar
hardware to Phoenix, and the emulator could easily be adjusted
to run them.
Darren actually sent me the following snippet of code, which
squashes the Phoenix display to correctly fit the DC resolution.
Currently the aspect ratio is correct, but this means that
16 lines are actually missing from the bottom of the display.
Basically in video.c, change the line which reads:
vram_s[(x+56) + (320*y)] = bm3[x][y];
vram_s[(x+56) + (320*y)] = bm3[x][y+(y/15)];
There are a couple of other changes which need to be made,
but these should be pretty obvious from looking at the code.
Wraggster: Do you have
any new projects in mind?
Chris: My final year project
at university is going to be an arcade game emulator of some
description and will be written from scratch. I'm currently
reading a book entitled 'Programming the Z80' and have started
coding a Z80 CPU emulator in Java. At the moment, I'll be
concentrating on that but I wouldn't rule out other projects
in the future. I did have a look into porting the System16
arcade emulator, but a lot of it was written in assembly and
it would have been too time consuming to port. I'd be more
than happy to collaborate with others on a project if there
are any coders out there who are interested?
Wraggster: What is your
favourite game for Dreamcast?
Chris: Shenmue seriously
ate into my social life. Real life events began to remind
me of Shenmue, even simple things like waiting at the bus
stop. I even started to dream about Shenmue! How sad is that?!
I've always loved Yu Suzuki's games, Out Run was my favourite
game when I was younger, which he also produced. I loved Out
Run so much that I bought the arcade machine and stuck it
in my garage! It would be great to see it emulated on the
Apart from that, I really don't play as many games as I should.
A lot of the time I just enjoy playing games for a short period
of time to check out how the technology has progressed and
get a quick feel for them. I prefer playing games when I've
got friends round and Virtua Tennis has proved a firm favourite
recently. I have a confession though - I am absolutely crap
at most computer games. I'm the laughing stock of my household
because I do a Computer Science degree, but I'm consistantly
beaten at everything! I'm actually quite good at Phoenix though,
perhaps that's why I coded an emulator, so I could finally
beat someone at a game! ;)
Wraggster: What is your
opinion of the Dreamcast Scene and what would you do to improve
it to make it more accessible?
Chris: I think the DC
Scene is brilliant, and a lot of people have clearly devoted
a lot of time to producing documentation, libraries, cd covers
and websites. To improve the scene I'd encourage authors to
release their source code. After all, we're all doing this
as a hobby and we're not going to make any money, therefore
releasing code will provide some of the most useful documentation
going. I'm sure you've heard the open source arguments before,
so I won't reiterate them here.
Wraggster: What is your
view on the other new super consoles and the possibilitys
of hobbyist development on them ie gba etc?
Chris: The GBA looks like
the most promising platform for hobbyist development, although
it's limited memory and CPU speed limits the type of emulator
it can run. The GBA already has some nice games, a lot of
them close to the Snes originals which can't be bad! I'm sure
that Nintendo won't dissapoint with the Gamecube either, but
let's hope that there are some good third party titles unlike
the N64.
With regard to the PS2, even the official PS2 developers
have apparantly been having teething difficulties with the
platform and it doesn't seem as well designed as the DC. The
price of the PS2 (£300 in the UK) has put me off for
the time being, and I have been largely unimpressed with most
of the titles I've played on the machine, although I've still
to try GT3.
The XBox should be easy to develop for, because it's essentially
a PC in console casing. I'm not a big fan of Microsoft, but
in the past their hardware has been quite good, in contrast
with their awful operating systems! MS are working with a
lot of big developers, so I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised.
Wraggster: May i say thank
you for your time and good luck with your project on behalf
of B00B and the rest of the emulation scene.
Chris: No problem! :)
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