This page will no longer be frequently updated, as I am now the webmaster
of Consolevision. :)
Selfboot Inducer 2.0 Released, please see:
Stella and NesterDC sbis are now current.
VmuCrap Volume Two released!, and Iris3d Sample Game up.
Filled a request for a solution to cleaning out and restoring the Inducer directory.
If you'd like more info check it out here.
If you have questions ask in
OUR Forums.
Additionally you can bug me on javachat or irc.webmaster.com #consolevision.
Since the beginning of time, man has pondered a single question...
How do I put all of this on the same cd?!?!?
Now there is an answer. Thanks to the coding efforts of DCGrendel, we have a
solution in the form of DreamInducer. But what about scrambled? unscrambled? and setting up the mainmenu.dxl? Now there is a simple solution for this as well. On this page you will find everything you will need to start using DreamInducer.
First of all, download Selfboot Inducer.
This archive contains DreamInducer, and the Selfboot and Inducer applications.
Run the archive after downloading, and install to the directory of your choice.
For our purposes we will assume you choose the default directory, C:\Selfboot.
Required and Optional Files
Name |
Screenshot |
File Size |
Download |
Selfboot Inducer
1.31 mb
Sbi Internet Explorer Registry Fix
On IE it will add an extra .sbi to the file
extension, ex: Brkout.sbi.sbi. To fix this click
Download, choose Open, then answer Yes.
0.34 kb
Now, select the emulators and homebrew games you'd like on your compilation:
(Right click and save these to your C:\Selfboot directory)
Name : Setup Information |
Screenshot |
File Size |
Download |
Dreammp3 1.00 : Supports directory browsing.
301 kb
DCDiVX Beta 4 : Supports directory browsing.
475 kb
Slideshow 1.0 : Jpgs to Pictures. Hit Start then
change the directory at No Images.
237 kb
To Eleven Beta 1 : Supports directory browsing.
184 kb
My Junk (For the bored)
Name |
Screenshot |
File Size |
Download |
Guess My NumerO
40 kb
VmuCrap Volume1
104 kb
VmuCrap Volume2
250 kb
Archives will be updated and added regularly. Check back often.
If you'd like to make your own, visit here.
Now that you've downloaded what you want, run Inducer in the Selfboot directory.
It will extract the archives you've saved, and setup your mainmenu.dxl file.
Next add the roms appropriately as described next to the file you downloaded.
For example NesterDC states "Roms to Games", so you'd move your nes roms to
Games in the Inducer folder.
After you've finished adding your roms, movies, etc run Selfboot. It will prompt
you if you'd like to use CDRecord. If you'd like to use Discjuggler or Nero choose
No. CDRecord requires some additional explanation which I may add to this
tutorial at a later time.
You will then be presented with a form with three choices. Chose DiscJuggler to
create a DiscJuggler image, Nero (DAO) to create a Nero image, or if you know that
you need to use Track-At-Once, select Nero (TAO) for a tao image.
Your image will either be saved as Inducer.cdi or Inducer.nrg appropriately.
Select the image in your recording software and burn.
20,000+ since 0512X2 and 10000+ before the counter died previously.
©2002 burnerO :: dreamcast proggie codin' since june 03, 2001