The name Debeautar comes from a story I wrote many years ago, long
since out of form (it died in the 286 crash of 1996). He was an
omnipotent demigod, made into a formidable force by an injection
he stuck himself with, thinking it was a drug.
The Hellsock, as some of you might know, comes from the Sifl and
Olly show, second season, second episode. His famous song was "Hellfire
Rain on You!" He only had one appearance, but that one appearance
was enough to hook me, and that's why you see him today as my icon
on the Consolevision boards.
As for who I am, I am just some guy in southern California, typing
up stuff for you to read. I've done the video game thing for about
16 years, and have loved every minute of it. I'm not a coder or
anything, so the only use I have on Consolevision is to yap it up
with all of you... give you my opinion, speak with you all on the
message boards from time to time, and give you as much of my time
as I can. I've got a girlfriend that I've been with for more than
four years, and that takes up a bit of my time, as does the pursuit
of money.
If ya like the way I do webpages, and you want me to do yours,
please feel free to contact me at the address below all of my pages.
I'll do my best to get back to you. I do flash work, as you might
be able to tell from the banner up top.
The views and expressions on this site
are the property of the respective parties. With each view, there is a
name, and with that name can go the blame. If there is a problem with
any of these views, please contact the party responsible.
This site is maintained by Debeautar. While many images and animations
have been created by Debeautar, there are a few things that are not, and
if they are the property of the viewer of this site, and the viewer would
prefer that I take it off the site, please contact me at
and I will correct the problem as soon as possible.