Some historical information on Robinson is available at ATMA.Go to the link for "The Grind" and look through the article index. Information has a bias towards Robinson's flour milling machinery but woodworking machinery is still discussed.
For service and spares, try the folks at J. Priestley & Son.
c1920 - Series 9 Catalogue. I've scanned only selected pages of
from this 255 page catalogue. 50
pages, 5,851 KB.
Type EF/T 36" vertical band re-saw brochure. 6
pages, 481 KB. Source.
Machine pictures from various sources
EY/T 30" band saw. 14" under guide. Source.
EF/T 36" re-saws. Source
1. Source
2. Source 3.
DF/T 48" re-saw. Source.
54" re-saw. Source.
EH/T 54" re-saw. Source.
24" rip saw. Source.
ET/E dimension saw (sliding table saw). Source.
16" dimension saw (sliding table saw). 5 HP motor. Source.
EO/T truss crosscutting saw. Source.
EX/E 18" pullover crosscut saw. Source.
Mortiser. Source.
SL/E 12x9 chain & chisel mortiser. 12"x8" capacity. Source
1. Source
2. Source
Tenoner. Source.
Spindle moulder. Source.
Spindle moulder. Source.
EC/T Spindle moulder. Source.
15" hand feed planing and surfacing machine (jointer). From Mark
"I live in South Australia. I bought this Robinson & Son 15" jointer from a retired furniture maker. He bought it a long time ago and never got around to doing it up. I happily parted with my A$150 (I'm serious) and now I'm restoring it. Everything is there in good but rusty condition. I'm re-threading all the nuts and bolt with the original whitworth sizes and removing all the rust (on the small parts) with electrolysis. I've notice that the counterbalance for the cutter guard has been repaired and a few of the adjoining parts are slightly bent however it will all reassemble into a fine, accurate machine."
Surface planer (jointer). 12" wide cut, 6' tables. Not original fence.
Surface planer (jointer). 16" wide cut, 6' tables. Source.
Surface planer (jointer). 18.5" wide cut, 10' tables. Source.
WR/T Combination surface planer (jointer) and thickness planer. Source.
Thickness planer. Source.
VZ/T 24"x 9" thickness planer. Source 1. Source
2. Source
XW/T , 30"x10" thickness planer.Sectional feed, powered feed rollers
in table,3 feed speeds,4 knife round cutterblock, powered lift on
1. Source
GR/T 4 sided planer/moulder. Source.
GD/T 6 head push feed moulder. Source.
WX/T 6 head moulder. Source.
EJ/T adzer and borer for railway sleepers. Source.