08 Jan 2008
Ancient History
Please view the information contained in this site from a purely historical perspective. I am not involved in the Dreamcast Scene anymore, but I'll leave this information and files available for at least a few more weeks until I decide what else I can do this this site.

08 Mar 2005
USB Coders Cable CAD files!
CAD files in Eagle format now available: USBCC-F. Note: does not include dual crystal "band-aid" fixes.

19 Dec 2004
USB Coders Cable Web-Page
I have created a preliminary web-page for the USB Coders Cable. It contains   a brief history, a short technical write-up, schematic and parts resources.

5 Dec 2004
USBSerial DC Coders Cable Update
The last batch of prototype printed circuit boards should arrive this week. I plan on building a couple up for testing by next weekend. As promised I will be posting the schematic and parts list here once the testing is complete. I have started talking with an online store about selling the "USB DC Coders Cables." I will keep you posted when and where they will be available.
Here's some of the pictures taken during the development of the cable:

21 June 2002
This is the port of the Manchester Nurbs Library   done about two months ago. It was used in 3D Invaders to make the donut shaped "Invaders"   (place holders really). The included example code works under KOS-CVS, but I've included a patch for   KOS-1.1.7 to fix GL_POINTS and an obscure texture bug. For those of you with the binary release of KOS-1.1.7   I've included binaries for the libgl and libnurbs libraries.
DCNurbs lib source and examples (tar.gz 2.3M)

6 May 2002
Here is a "get the feel" of play pre-release version of 3D Invaders. This is the game I'm working on   for submission to the DCEmu Programming Contest. There is no scoring and only one level. No menu, and no   background music yet. I've included the source for completeness, but It's built against the current KOS-CVS   with the local addition of a yet to be commited NURBS library. For those who want to burn a CD-R the hard way I've also put   up a IP.BIN and 1st_read.bin for the game.
3D Invaders pre-release un-scrambled bin (gzip 970K)
3D Invaders pre-release source (tar.gz 1.3M)

3D Invaders pre-release IP.BIN (gzip 12k)

3D Invaders pre-release 1st_read.bin (gzip 1M)
Thanks to Dr. Zoidberg for making the DiskJuggler and Nero images.
DiskJuggler Image (zip 1.1M)
Nero Image (zip 1.1M)

30 December 2001
Just to prove I have not been lazy over the holidays here's the result of some experiments with   using fog on the DC. The unscrambled binary is a port of a Mesa demo called Tunnel V1.5 by David   Bucciarelli. It's not a complete port, just enough for me to test some ideas for KGL. It also shows   the use of GL_TRIANGLE_STRIPS (Hacked KGL).  I'm looking forward to seeing the results of Benoit   Miller's changes to KGL. He's making some neat changes from what I've heard.
DCTunnel binary (zip 205K)

26 November 2001
I have released an example for doing pseudo-sprites with alpha transparency and backface culling.   It was created to help answer a question posed by MrJeff on the Consolevision   Dreamcast Developer Cafe thread: "punch-through and alpha blending on KOS/KGL."  

You can get it here:
pseudo-sprite example source (tar.gz 612K)

18 November 2001
DCFloys was never really intended for public release but I thought it looked neat and I found   it sort of addicting to play with. Tweeking the various parameters changes the behavior of the   critters (See the README file below.) I got tired of adjusting, compiling, adjusting, compiling... so I added a quick   and dirty menu so it could be done in real-time. The purpose of this program was originally to come up with some AI for   the invading ships/creatures. I was browsing some AI related sites when I stumbled onto Ariel Dolan's AI   website, and saw his   Floys Java Applet. The behavior of Floys are rather   insect-like compared to Craig Reynolds Boids (bird-like flocking behavior).  A good example of a   Boids applet is at Conrad Parker's site.

Floys are interesting in that they can attack an intruder. I figured that was just the sort of AI I was looking for   to imbue the attacking hoard with. During the initial implementation I quickly discovered the notorious   Euler angle gimbel lock problem that occurs when rotating objects on all three axis. This program does not address   this issue. Of course the real problem may be my slippery grasp of the subject.

The Floys are represented by the ship object you may have already seen in the sidctest program. As they fly around   on the screen they try to point their nose in the direction they are heading. You can see that they sometimes appear   to be flying backwards or at other odd attitudes. That is the gimbel lock problem I talked about earlier.   While tinkering with with the code I wondered if it would be possible to see the 3D world from the point   of view of the Floy's themselves. I setup the program so that you can switch views between that of an imaginary   chase ship or that of a creature watching the action from another vantage point like say the top of a mountain.

The landscape was created from a picture taken during the Mars Pathfinder mission.

The motion of the ships in this test program is quite un-realistic. They pass through each other; spin around instantly in a way   that would
surely kill the occupants. But what the heck, this is after all just kludgy test code... right ;D

   I'd have stuck some music in here, but I don't know any composers on the scene, and I don't want to   offend anyone by ripping off their music without permission. So if you want to contribute a S3M or ogg   file please let me know and I'll add it. Maybe something in the genre of Trance or Ambient would work nice with this.

   Hope you enjoy it!  
DCFloys README (txt - 1.5K)
DCFloys source (tar.gz - 2M)

DCFloys elf (zip - 384K)

DCFloys Nero image (zip - 615K)

Sorry, but I had trouble making a DiskJuggler image, and blew 5 disks in the process.   Fortunately the Nero image worked.

7 October 2001
I've decided to release a sample of one my DC test programs. It contains a couple of simple 3D objects   that were created using Blender. You can use the analog stick,   D-pad, and L/R triggers to move, zoom, and rotate the objects. It's all done with Kallistios of course   with the new GL stuff. You can get the source and elf. The source is hacky cuz, well, that's the way it is.   It's just a test! For the un-initiated you'll need a DC developers cable or DC Broadband Adapter, and   Andrew Kieshnick's DC-LOAD tool from http://www.cerc.utexas.edu/~andrewk/dc/.  
sidctest source (tar.gz)
sidctest elf (zip)

Welcome to my little corner on the Internet. I'll keep this short and simple.   My current interest is game console programming. I was browsing for Dreamcast information   one day, and was surprised to find there are web pages and sites dedicated to game console   programming. I found sites for Dreamcast, PSx, Gameboy and others.
I found the Dreamcast sites particularly interesting. So much so that I surfed over to   EBay and put a bid on a system that included a broadband adapter, keyboard, VMU, and VGA adapter.   I lucked out and a few days later I was the proud owner of an orphaned Dreamcast.   It is my intention to use and build upon the knowledge and code of the generous programmers,   who have made their work available under various open source licenses. My first work is going   to be a 3d version sometthing on the order of Taito's (oops, I said Atari before) Space Invaders.   So far I've been learning the basics of using Dan Potter's Kallistios, a.k.a. KOS, a light   weight hardware abstraction layer and mini kernel for game consoles. Currently Dan is working   supporting the Dreamcast and Gameboy Advanced architectures. Check out Dan's site at   dcdev.allusion.net and   get the latest sources at SourceForge.
To aid my understanding of 3d mathmatics and programming I picked up a couple of books from    the local B&N. They are:
"3D Graphics Programming - Games and Beyond", by Sergei Savchenko, MSc., published by SAMS.
"3D Game Engine Design - A practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics"
, by David H. Eberly, published by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.

©2001-2008 Paul Boese - pboese@axlen.com
   Last Modified: 08 Jan 2008