Dreamcast MAME Builds

July 12, 2003
Sky Skipper DCMAME Build. 44kbps sound, frameskip 5. Source Code Differences.

July 11, 2003
Paperboy DCMAME Build. 13kbps sound, frameskip 8 - slow but playable. Source Code Differences.

July 10, 2003
I decided to compile a build of MAME for the Dreamcast for a newly added MAME compatible game, so I chose a weird maze game, Mustache Boy, which was newly added in MAME 0.70. This game is still being worked on by mamedev, and as of now has no sound due to missing ROMs, but it is fun to play. :) Source Code Differences.

July 9, 2003
Super Sprint DCMAME Build - an overhead view race car driving game requested by qatmix.

13kbps sound, frameskip 5, slightly slow but playable.

Source Code Differences.

July 8, 2003
Arkanoid DCMAME Build.

Big thanks to reaper for his linking optimization suggestions - this one actually ran too fast! I had to slow it down. It's at 0 frameskip - That's a change from the minimum of five I had to do before.

I'll have to take a look at my older releases and see if I can speed them up with this. :)

Source Code Differences.

July 8, 2003
Neck and Neck DCMAME Build - horse racing game requested by Reaper.

Source Code Differences.

July 7, 2003
Bagman DCMAME Build 2 . Same thing with Pengo - the screensize is bigger now.

Source Code Differences.

July 7, 2003
Pengo DCMAME Build 2 . I messed up a value (again). The screensize was rediculously small. It's bigger now.

Source Code Differences.

July 7, 2003
Tapper DCMAME Build - bartending action by request of yodanut.

Source Code Differences.

July 7, 2003
Bagman DCMAME Build - wheelbarrel pushing, gold stealing fun.

Source Code Differences.

June 7, 2003
Pengo DCMAME Build - Sega's ice pushing penguin game.

And the Source Code Differences.

July 6, 2003
Popeye DCMAME Build 2 is out. I found that the flicker introduced in the first build was strictly my fault. I had it set to use video thread - so it is now turned off. Also, the position of the screen is fixed - it now shows the entire action, as before the top and bottom of the screen was cut off.

And the Build 2 Source Code Differences.

July 6, 2003
I wasn't planning on releasing this - as it was just for practice. But I thought, what the hey. It's in the dreamcast list already in Ice88's release - all I did is tinker with the settings. This was probably already released by Ice88 - but since I did this to learn and for fun - and I like sharing :D - here is a Popeye DCMAME Build.

And the Source Code Differences.