by VerticalE

A swedish professor, Henke Larsson, today released an extensive study that proves the importance of dc n00bs anonymous. We met Larsson at his university, and this is what he had to say;

"Most people had given up. They had the will, but they didnt have the required information. Most of them where afraid to ask, and so they lived a depressive life."  Larsson claimed that being depressive lowers the persons will to do physical activities, hence lowering the sperm count of the individual. "They weren't getting children. They were too depressed..."

DNA lanunched their website 5 minutes ago. According to Larsson, you can already see the improvement. "I got a call from a collegue in India, who claimed that people where "showing their love" like crazies. By looking out my office window, I could see that things wherent different in Sweden. I had to rewrite the conclusion of my study, stating that DNA has saved the world population from a serious decrease."

So there you have it. DNA makes people happy and secure. Strike one!


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Mary and Robert have discovered happiness with DNA

Professor Henke Larsson now sees his opportunity to get lucky