Setting up SH4/ARMs Compiler and KOS |
Released 1/10-2002 |
Written by Ragnarok2040 |
Required reading: -none- | ||
If you are going to compile your sources so you
can run them on your Dreamcast, you will need to download the so-called
devkit. First of all, lets get the SH4 and ARM compilers. You should use the
following, as it is very organized, up-to-date (built around march of 02),
and it's works perfectly. Download all the files, run the .bat file and you are left with one sfx archive (dont extract yet). If you go to, that has everything you need if you don't want to mess with the cygwin installer thingie. I didn't use this, I downloaded the full cygwin thing which is like 400 MB's. Now it is just a simple matter of installing cygwin, and installing the tools. Install cygwin in the folder C:\cygwin or D:\cygwin, it doesn't much matter as long as it is in a root folder. Then extract that SH4/ARM-stuff you downloaded to C:\cygwin\usr\local\dc, so now you have C:\cygwin\usr\local\dc\sh-elf and another folder beside that one called C:\cygwin\usr\local\dc\arm-elf. Get KOS at (get the ones labeled kos-1.1.8-dc-bin.tar.gz and kos-1.1.8-manual.tar.gz). Extract by typing tar zxf kos-1.1.8.tar.gz in cygwin at the directory you put it. Install the prebuilt KOS in like C:\cygwin\usr\local\dc\kos and put this file in the kos directory (delete the .txt extension and just leave that blank). Now it should be like C:\cygwin\usr\local\dc\kos\bin, NOT the C:\cygwin\usr\local\dc\kos\kos-1.1.8\bin Go to your C:\cygwin\etc\profile file. Add a last line like . /usr/local/dc/kos/ and, remember, it's .<space>/ The last 3 lines should look like: $ ' . /usr/local/dc/kos/ This will autoload your environ file whenever you start cygwin Add a cd "/usr/local/dc/kos" after that, if you wish to start at kos's main dir Then the last 4 lines should look like: $ ' . /usr/local/dc/kos/ cd "/usr/local/dc/kos/" |