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 DCSquares 2.0.1 released
 Posted by on Tuesday, September 6 2005 Comments

c99koder updated DCSquares with a mostly bug fix release.

DCSquares 2.0.1 is out! This minor update fixes several bugs in the Dreamcast version, including:

* Negative high scores could become #1 on the local score list
* Pressing the B button on the high score screen could cause the game to exit
* Sometimes high score codes were not being generated
* Removed extra .svn directories from the Dreamcast zip file
* CD image now contains binaries for all platforms, not just the Dreamcast.

You can grab it from here.
 MR-TOOL v0.5 released
 Posted by on Tuesday, September 6 2005 Comments

An update to kRYPT_'s MR-TOOL by SiZiOUS. The updates? Here they are:

* Fixed a bitmap size bug in the method Compress.
* Fixed invalid bitmap & mr files detection
* Fixed BMP write.
* Fixed many mini-bugs...
* Code cleaned

Check out the topic at DCEmulation for more information and downloads.
 VMZip v1.0.0 Released
 Posted by on Wednesday, August 31 2005 Comments

A new VMU type of tool for Dreamcast by bucanero has been released. It allows you to compress any VMU save on your VMU, to free up some blocks. This allows you to be able to still have the save on your VMU until you decompress it (they are unusable while they are compressed, obviously).

For more information check out the topic at
 Dope Wars (18-08-2005) (DC Game)
 Posted by on Saturday, August 27 2005
Kamjin has updated "Dope Wars". Most of the change are not visible to the player. Dope Wars is a game where you deal with Drugs and probably other nasty things. Thanks to Wraggster for the news.
 Back to Oldschool Competition 2005 (misc)
 Posted by on Saturday, August 27 2005
Kraln, who has been judge at the PDRC #3, has started his own coding competition now. It supports various systems like SNES, Genesis, GB, GBC, GBA, and a few more. The rules are not in final state yet. Expect the final rules on 30th August. The competition officialy starts at 1st September 2005 and ends on 1st October. This is a whole month to work out something nice.
Competition rules so far:

  • No Polygons
  • No Emulators
  • No pre-exisitng submissions
  • Demos are discouraged.
  • Source code should be released at the end of the competition
     BootDreams 0.5 released
     Posted by on Tuesday, August 23 2005 Comments

    What's new:
    - New: ELF support
    - New: Use complete paths option
    - New: Choice to open folder once image is done
    - New: Help file
    - Fixed: A couple important bug fixes
    - Fixed: Spaces turned into underscores in CD label
    - Fixed: CD label no longer capitalized when a folder selected
    - Fixed: CD image renamed as CD label (no longer BootDreams)
    - Fixed: Slight grammer fix in CDI Burner
    - Fixed: Dummied session max size 665MB

    Download from the projects page.

    For your comments and more information, please check out this topic at DCEmulation.
     Gorf Pluz Coming For Jaguar, Dreamcast, and PC
     Posted by on Friday, August 5 2005 Comments

    It seems that more and more Jaguar programmers are becoming interested in Dreamcast programming lately.

    The remake of the arcade classic, Gorf 3D, will be getting a Jaguar, Dreamcast, and PC release.

    Gorf 3D, as the name suggests, is Gorf with three dimensional graphics and other improvements.

    The cool thing about this game is that the original creator of Gorf, Jamie Fenton, tried the classic version of the Jaguar version of the game at the Classic Gaming Expo in Las Vegas in 2002 and loved it.

    Here's a picture of her playing Gorf Classic, as well as some older screenshots of the Jaguar version of the game in action:
     BootDreams 0.4
     Posted by on Thursday, August 4 2005 Comments

    LyingWake has released a new version of his selfbooting disc creation tool, BootDreams. Here's what's new:

    - New: Error handling (should've been done sooner)
    - New: BootDreams' settings are saved in an INI, not registry now
    - New: Association with CDI images
    - Fixed: A lot, if not all, of the run time errors
    - Fixed: Same as above, but unknown errors
     DC Particlez 2.0
     Posted by on Tuesday, August 2 2005 Comments

    DCParticlez, an interactive technical demo for the Dreamcast, has been released. This demo displays a blast of particles onto the screen, from the bottom up, like fireworks. There are several factors that can be controlled in regards to the particles flying. You can adjust the max life (the maximum number of frames a particle can stay onscreen), gravity (the amount a particle's Y position is changed), size (the size of particles in pixels (square)), frameskip (the number of frames to wait before creating particles), Intensity (how many particles are created at one time). There is a display on the screen that displays the number of particles onscreen at the given time, and the X and Y coordinates of the particle's origin.
     DRAM for Dreamcast
     Posted by on Sunday, July 31 2005
    JMD has released a quirky Dreamcast game in which you have to "help JMD find 16 megabytes of DRAM while avoiding the other RAM.
     DCSquares 2.0.0
     Posted by on Saturday, July 30 2005 Comments

    DCSquares, c99koder's addicting square collecting game, has been updated. This version features a brand new default theme, improved gameplay, and local high scores are now stored on the VMU. The game features an online high score list where high scores are submittable directly via the Dreamcast Broadband Adapter or on the DCSquares website via a code. Note that due to the gameplay changes, the high score table for the game has been reset.

     Cool Herders Videos
     Posted by on Saturday, July 30 2005 Comments

    The Cool Herders Status Forum has been updated with videos of the upcoming independent commercial independent Dreamcast game, Cool Herders. For those who don't know, Cool Herders is a party game where you have to collect as many sheep as possibly while keeping your opponents from collecting their share of sheep. The game was originally released as part of the DCTonic collection disc that was passed out at E3 2001, and later updated in 2003. There are several differences between the released demo, and the commercial release:

    * Single Player "story mode" tells the tale of Zeus and his sheep, Chrys, hunting down Iskur the storm lord and trying to retrieve his sheep!
    * Six worlds (plus unlockable ;) )
    * Six different herders (plus unlockable ;) )
    * Animated stages
    * Full soundtrack (or at least better than the single tune ;) )
    * Options to tweak gameplay (to replicate the original demo or use all the new features)

    All of these are subject to change, and may or may not appear in the final commercially released game.
     DragonDC 0.1
     Posted by on Saturday, July 30 2005
    DragonDC, Ron's port of Ciaran Anscomb's Dragon 32/64 emulator to the Dreamcast Console, based on Quzar's port of the Coco/Dragon 32/64 emulator, Xroar, has been released. This version is just a demo, and doesn't have a GUI at the moment. A keyboard is required, but joypad is supported for games. There is sound, but speed adjustments are still required before the emulator gets out of beta stage.
     Marathon (DC Game Port)
     Posted by on Saturday, July 30 2005
    Description from it's official page:
    his image contains the classic First Person Shooter Marathon created by Bungie software, also included are the two sequel games Marathon 2: Durandal, and Marathon: Infinity. Many of the newer gaming generation will know Bungie Software for their later game HALO for the X-Box, all the older gamers will know that here's where HALO's origins started.

    Bungie Software released the source code of the Mac OS version of Marathon 2 under the terms of the GNU General Public License in January 2000, Since then the game has been enhanced and extended under the name of Aleph One.

    Aleph One has now been ported to various platforms, the Dreamcast port was made by Bero, and although it's been left at an early stage, it stands as a good example of the Dreamcast being a platform for classic game engine ports.
     Joggle 07/17/05
     Posted by on Monday, July 18 2005 Comments

    The word-finding homebrew game by Warmtoe and SeGaFrEaK NL known as Joggle has been updated. Here's what's new:

    New Tunes (SeGaFrEaK NL)
    New Sounds
    New Levels
    - 16 levels total
    - Better progression
    New Effects
    - Graphic Equalizer
    - Explosions
    Better analogue stick support

    Thanks to for the news, where you can find the download.
     OpenBoR v2.0001
     Posted by on Friday, July 15 2005 Comments

    More new from

    CGRemakes released a DC version of OpenBoR a few days ago. It adds dozens of requested features such as e.g. running, the use of weapons and lots of different new attack moves:

    Downloads: PC version, DC version (NTSC), DC version (PAL)

    From now on the version numbers will be updated as new versions are put online. This version is v2.0001. This will help bug tracking in the future as well as to help everyone know they have the current version.

    You can download Fugue's OpenBoR manual here - Happy modding everyone!
     BOR: MegaMan Xtreme Legends
     Posted by on Friday, July 15 2005 Comments

    News taken from

    Xenox aka FlyingZenMan returns with a new release: MegaMan Xtreme Legends

    "2 playable chars: Zero and X. There are 5 stages and 12 levels. Soundtrack from a great old shooter for Saturn. All the chars, bosses & enemies that u have seen [in the demo] before are in it with some new bosses added to the mix."

    Check out some great screenshots here and download the Dreamcast CDI at
     Posted by on Friday, July 15 2005 Comments

    SiZiOUS has released a new version of his 1ST_READ.BIN checking DLL and a test program based on LyingWake's recent version of 1st_read.bin file checker. Here's what's new:

    - The code was fully re-written, the DLL is very faster than the old.
    - The search algorithm was optimized.
    - More strings to search added (from LyingWake).

    Download: SiZiOUS' homepage
     SAPPlay (Mini-Dream Selection)
     Posted by on Friday, July 15 2005 Comments

    DCEvoluition has released a new mini-image with a bunch of games, demos, and applications. For more information and a list of what's exactly on this image please check out the following page:
     Fenix PixPang (SuperPang clone)
     Posted by on Sunday, July 3 2005 Comments

    Wraggster has adapted the Final Version of Pixel2004's Fenix game PixPang, a SuperPang clone, that was originally released for the GP32.

    It seems to have different playing modes and a tour mode with 49 (!) levels.


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