I was the first to have spoken,
and said just about
all the things that you should say...
So yeah, I'm updating again.
Got my hair cut very short, not such a good idea in this cold
weather, but I like it close shaved. I'm having the movie night
crew over tonight, probably gonna pick up something innocuous
like "Undercover Brother" and some brews for the others.
I'm totally psyched because a
new Dandy Warhols track was leaked out with Spin magazine this
month, and I got ahold of it. It's very different from anything
they've previously released (excepting perhaps their synth-pop
excursions on B-side tracks like "Retarded"). It's
pretty good, if you do some searching at your local bookstore
(or on the internet) you should be able to find it.
One point of advice to all you
out there who happen to have items like chainsaws lying around,
DON"T KICK THEM. I kicked my chainsaw blade in bare feet
on Wednesday and it took forever to stop bleeding... puncture
wounds = not fun.
Also, I have been watching "Meet
My Folks"... I know, total trash television, but it's pretty
funny too. My parents wouldn't let any one of those girls through
the door if they could help it. ROOFLES.
Work's going ok. Gotta get motivated today...
gotta put in at least a couple more hours. I don't need no kiss
and hug, I just need my coffee mug....
Listening To : The
Dandy Warhols - The Last High
Hanging out all by myself,
I don't want to be with anybody else,
I just want to be with you,
I just want to have something to do,
I spent my evening proofreading
and helping to rewrite an academic appeal letter of a girl who's
been essentially denied to continue in her studies because of
some mistakes she's made, her background, and some other factors
beyond her control. It's make me a little upset, just thinking
of it all, even though I can't really go into it here. I just
hope she's treated fairly in the process, that's that can be
hoped for.
I'm frustrated a bit too, because
I hate the idea that someone I've been friends with for a long
time wouldn't even consider dating me, even when they know what
kind of person I am. I suppose it's easier to take from a friend,
even if it's second hand, but it still stings. My dating prospects
right now have never been worse and I'm feeling it. I could
always try to pull a Strong
Bad and say "Screw You! I am AWESOME!". Yes, that
feels a little better. Maybe a better Ramones song would have
been "I Believe In Miracles" ... yeah, I like that
one better.
So I'm gonna miss the big Calgary SF tournament because I'm
going skiing that weekend. No big loss. Everyone knows Trung's
going to win 1st anyways (and deservedly so, he's gotten incredibly
good). Everybody who matters knows how good I am, and I don't
need to win a tournament to show that.
Anyways, the Quest retreat for
church is this next weekend. My goal is to be done my 3 revised
chapters by Friday night, and I think I can do it. I had some
very good work days last week, here's to keeping it up.
Listening To : RAMONES
For anyone who's ever lost,
one who's dearest,
And the love of a friend.
On our worried
knees given to all beliefs,
Scarecrows and disease haunt us all.
Oh, Bury Your Heads
In the Sand.
So the last couple of weeks
have been interesting. I've been watching my married friends
as I always do. Some of my formerly brazen guy friends tremble
in the footsteps of their mates. Some are too considerate, others
are not considerate enough. It's all about human nature and
coping with things, I guess. I suppose it's all about personalities
and balances in their relationships, and it's true that people
change when they get married. Some more than others.
I've been hanging with some people
that come form different cultures. One just got engaged into
an arranged marriage. Another just returned to his University
program, after his father died (and his own subsequent marriage).
More thinking.
Just came back from seeing, "Just
Married". Crap crap crap crap crap movie. Except seeing
Ashton Kutcher get hit in the head with a marble ashtray. (GO
SEE ADAPTATION INSTEAD) Comedy gold right there. As "the
Print Shop" for the Apple ][ used to say while it was getting
ready to print, "THINKING.....".
The result: I don't want to be
married if it's going to change my behavior so much that the
balance of all my friendships are changed. I don't know why
I feel bad that all my friends are married, because I don't
want to be now anyways (although my competitive nature is distinctly
suspect). Also, I don't think I want to ever see another romantic
comedy starring Ashton Kutcher (although Brittany Murphy is
free from this ban).
Anyways, work is going well.
Apart from wrangling the CCIT network to accept our printer,
that is. No fun, that.
And the song ends with "I
Believe in One Love".
Listening To : Smashing
Pumpkins - Glynis
Phillip Wants to Be A Rock Star,
But He's A Bit Uptight,
So He Brings His Favorite Bettys with A Bottle Full of Whisky,
And He Sits On the Couch All Night.
Happy New Year! Things are getting
better, I must say. I had a killer time on New Year's Eve, and
Christmas was really cool. I got to spend time with almost all
my friends and family members, got a bunch of GameCube softs
(enough to last me a while) and everything else seems to be
going to task once again. Even though I have made no real thesis
progress, I managed to get 2 versions of the CIRP paper done,
with a lot of new graphics. I have to do some editing for tomorrow
night, but I'm fairly happy with the outcome.
I still have a bit of New Year's rotgut
effect happening... my belly doesn't feel so good. I had quite
a nice time but I did drink more than I have recently (probably
since Jen + I broke up). My brother pointed out to me that I
totally am a binge drinker and that I probably should give it
up, because if something started going really bad in
my life, it could be a really messy downward spiral. I am somewhat
in agreement, so I'm going to go dry for 2 months here, which
I think is a measured response.
I had my second practise as the
drummer in a new band, the Army Surplus Six, and things are
really coming along. Our songs are seeming to be simple yet
really fun to play and catchy too. I'll probably start designing
a website for the Army Surplus Six very soon. We need probably
5-6 more practises before we're ready to demo out our songs.
I can't wait to put together the mini-studio in the basement.
No coding over the holidays for
me... but if I can get my thesis done in short order, I can
start looking for a job and do some hobby coding there as things
wind down. Catan-DC, here I come! MSc, here I come! ASME, here
I come (I'm probably doing another paper for the 2003 DETC,
in Chicago! WHEE! I get to go to a wicked cool rock citay!).
I believe this year is going
to hold a lot of good things for me, I can just feel it.
Listening To : The
Dandy Warhols - Not Your Bottle