Catan Update/Beta Progress
Hey gang.. I just finished probably the
most complex interface in the CatanDC 3-4 Player game.. it was
tricky because I have to coordinate input from all players simultaneously,
animate all the attached VMUS, and draw 4 animated scrollbar-based
interfaces all at the same time. But it's working, and here's
a screenshot:

Sorry about the big pic but you need to
see it at full resolution to see the text properly.
Anyways, I'm working on game scripting,
and I'm hoping that I can have something beta-able by the end
of June, with a mid-July release. I have also selected the beta
team, and will be contacting them in about a week to give them
the details on how to download and burn their beta CDs.
Oh yes, and I probably have a job. Just
in time to help me pay for that $300 red light ticket. Damn.
I will be without internet at home for
a while, so I will probably not be able to update the site for
the next little bit. I'm moving right now too, so don't expect
any CatanDC updates for a bit. I'm still aiming to have a mid-may
release of the game, but until then, try out the 3d
settlers for the PC to get your appetites whetted for the
Dreamcast version. Many thanks to Drew J. and Nick C. for their
texture contributions (they are looking very sweet, I'll post
some pix very shortly).
See you all soon.
Catan Update --- More New Menurific Screenshots
So much for a break. I've been steamrolling
through interfaces left an right. Here's some new ones for you.

Make A Trade

But Who will you
Offer It To?

City Up!
More from me later..
only a few more interfaces are left to go for gameflow (status,
stealing, discard, error messages)! After that I have a few
engine details to code (longest road calculation comes to mind)
and basically the whole backend of the game to go.
Catan Update --- More New Screenshots
I've been trying to enjoy a bit of a break,
but I've managed to put together a few new things for CatanDC.
I had some problems building my Icon engine, but it seems to
be working as designed now. I enhanced all the previous interfaces
with icons to make the design a little more visually appealing.
Not all interfaces will be transparent, as they previously were,
because ones with icons appear too washed out. Here's two examples
of interfaces that use icons:

Resource Summary : Who got what on this

Updated Board Repositioning Interface
(no transparency)
That's all I've been able to muster for
this week. More to come. Trading interface is in development.
Me Out.
Catan Update --- New Screenshots
Here's some brand new fresh screenshots
5 of the 16 currently identified interfaces are coded and working
(alongside the state machine interfaces for them... I wasn't
brave enough to attempt threading yet). Transparency is working
more or less as I want it to, although the GL interface seems
to brighten the alpha much more than programming the PVR by

Title Menu

Move The Robber!

Free Transform of the Board

Place A City
Yeah, there's more made but this is more
just to give you a taste of what the interface is going to be
like. The tricky ones are yet to come (building, trading, counter-offers
etc.). Thanks to the guy who messaged me with the screenshot function
heads-up, makes things a lot easier. I haven't received any hex
or card submissions yet, but I have one titlescreen - thanks cpe!

CatanDC titlescreen submission
#1 - By CPE
Catan Update --- Coding and Art Update
I'd like to thank all the people out there
that are interested in promoting the DC homebrew scene, and
the artists who've been eager to help me out. To give you an
idea of what I'm looking for in terms of textures, I've put
together a set of templates. You can get the hex template
here and the card template here.
The textures are currently stored in Jpeg
files. They're stored kind of strangely, here's a sample as
a template to help you make your textures compatible. The up
direction only really matters for port tiles, but it's the left
edge. Here are the textures I know that I will need: Terrain
Textures (256 x 256 each) -
-Hills (Brick Production)
-Meadows (Sheep Production)
-Mountains (Ore Production)
-Forest (Wood Production)
-Fields (Wheat Production)
-Ports (different types of production 2:1 + generic 3:1)
Card Textures (82 x 128 rectangles, buffered
to 128 x 128 each like the
hexes) - These will be smaller because they appear smaller onscreen
than the terrain textures. The North American board game cards
have the background from the terrain, with the production element
in the foreground, but by no means feel constrained to this
-Year of Plenty
-Road Building
-Victory Points (University, Library, City Hall, Cathedral)
On a personal note the next couple weeks
will be somewhat harrowing as I try to put the final touches
on my thesis and I prepare to defend, so please don't be offended
if I don't reply quickly.
Engine coding has been going well, and
I've sort of redesigned the GUI toolkit I started for FrNES
and made it more appropriate for a game (animated transitions
for cursors, nicer layout of interface elements etc.). I'm still
testing it, but I feel it will add a lot to the CatanDC experience
(instead of the simple listbox type interface I used before).
Also, I have made a legal inquiry about
licensing the game from the Mayfair Games people. No response
yet though. If you have any information about the legal status
of the Settlers of Catan console rights, please email
me with them.
Catan Update --- DC Screenshots
The port to the DC was mostly painless.
I was actually quite impressed with how far the KOS tools have
come since I used them last (FrNES used version 1.1.5 - CatanDC
uses 1.1.9). Lots of things work for me now, that didn't before
(namely JPEG textures and stuff), and the GL port was relatively
easy, despite a few features that I would have liked to have
had (triangle fans, automatic line edge polygons).. and a few
I'm not sure exactly how to use (alpha blending/masking under
KGL). Anyways, I've completed the board code (all pieces with
the exception of the robber have been programmed). Here's a
picture of my DC-debug setup as it stands :

And here's a closeup screenshot
of the CatanDC visualization running through my crappy TV:

There will be lots of zoom/perspective
options for the players.. this one was preprogrammed (all the
pieces placed manually).
Yeah, so no journal entries
in the last week, all my effort has been going towards finishing
my thesis and getting a good start on CatanDC. I haven't heard
anything from artists yet, but if there are any out there interested
in helping, I will send my texture wishlist out to you!
I have designed the VMU interface today.
A VMU will be required for each player of CatanDC. For those
who have played the board game, the reason for this will be
intuitively obvious. Keeping one's cards secret is of upmost
importance in Catan, and the VMU provides a nice way of displaying
this information to the players. For the first release of CatanDC,
this will be the only method of receiving this information (although
an onscreen interface will be developed for the network version).
I also got my DC gear out of the closet
to start the porting to the DC... seems to have gone smoothly!
Also, my defense date has been set...
April 16th!
Blog update here.
I went skiing and stuff - 'twas AWESOME.
Here's the screenshot of the Visualization
running under windows:

The textures are from the board game and
will NOT be distributed with the DC game. Any artists out there
willing to make some resource textures?
Added a couple more journal entries
- One of which is half album review - half fantasy baseball
featuring zombie rock stars. Read here.
Development on the GL Catan has
progressed a bit. Fixed a bug which caused initialization. I've
decided to clean up the code a bit, and focus more on 4 player
mode because that's more important now than the 6 player network
mode that I'd been working on in parallel. GL screenshot will
come here really soon.
I'm happy, I hope you're happy too.
I've moved my blog page back
to here because this week I've received
a fair amount of traffic because the CatanDC page was frontpaged
on DCEmulation last
week. A greetings to the DC fans in the audience. I figured
you folks don't particularily care to hear my musings on life
et cetera.
All updates to my site will
be posted here (including blog entries), but this way you can
choose to look at them or not.
I will put a GL screenshot of
the graphics engine, as it is now, in a couple of days.
I also updated my blog with a
short little entry.